Papers [manuscript]. 1853-1911.


Papers [manuscript]. 1853-1911.

Comprises a diary, 30 Oct. 1854-16 Feb. 1855, describing Taylor's voyage to Australia on the Canaan, illustrated with sketches, mostly of ships; a Personal file of newspaper cuttings and notes of Norman Taylor, concerning geology in Australia, 1863-ca. 1886; two letters, 4 April 1853 and 17 May 1911; sketches; and three photographs.

5.5 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7037506

Libraries Australia

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Canaan (Ship) (corporateBody)

Taylor, Norman A. C. (Norman Alexander Campbell), 1935- (person)

Norman Taylor was born in England in 1834 and emigrated to Victoria in 1854 to take up an appointment at the Assay Office, Melbourne. He was a field geologist under A.R.C. Selwyn, the Government Geologist, until the Geological Survey Department was disbanded in 1868. He then worked in NSW and Qld, both in the public service and as a private consultant. Returning to Victoria, he worked at the Technological Museum and Laboratory, Melbourne, under J.C. Newbery. He re-entered the Victorian public se...